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We Are Friends - Hug Hug and Mr. Penguin



提起+Artist Darylhochi,大家一定認識她創作的北極熊角色「白白」!或許你不知道,其實白白還有兩個可愛的動物朋友,牠們就是黑熊「黑黑」🐻和「企鵝先生」🐧!黑黑有點內向,企鵝先生有點高傲,但他們不知為何一拍即合、惺惺相惜,從此成為了好朋友。

Everyone knows the little polar bear “Bac Bac” created by our +Artist Darylhochi, and actually, there are 2 lovely friends of Bac Bac - Hug Hug and Mr. Penguin! Hug Hug is a bit shy and introverted, while Mr. Penguin is a bit arrogant. However, they have surprisingly got along with each other and become very good friends. 🐻🐧


白白 - 黑黑和企鵝先生

尺寸:(黑黑)11CM高; (企鵝先生)6.6CM高

🌟Product Information🌟

Bac Bac - Hug Hug and Mr. Penguin
+Artist: Darylhochi

Size: (Hug Hug)11CM tall; (Mr Penguin)6.6CM tall
Material: Soft vinyl
Retail price: HKD$550
Made in China
Manufacturer: TOYZEROPLUS

About the Artist



Darylhochi (Creator of Bac Bac’s Diary) is a Hong Kong based designer and illustrator, graduated at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She enjoys drawing, photography and observation. Her works has been published in "Weekend Weekly" magazine and "Ming Pao" newspaper, participated in exhibition included "poetic shower" and "Macaroon Duet" etc.

Darylhochi created Bac Bac, which is a lovely polar bear living in the city. It faces difficulties with a smile and hopes to heal other people. Bac Bac can be described as Darylhochi’s masterpiece that it has gained a huge popularity in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Especially when Darylhochi corporated with LINE stickers in 2014, she designed a series of sticker icons named as “Bac Bac’s Diary”. This makes Bac Bac to be one of the most popular cartoon characters in the social network. Moreover, Darylhochi has introduced a bundle of Bac Bac hand-crafted products and they all generated a great voice among customers and fans.

Darylhochi (白白日記的設計者),一個名字經常被寫錯和讀錯的香港人,喜愛繪畫,攝影和觀察的她,畢業於香港理工大學平面設計系,如今是一名設計及插畫師。她的作品曾於《新假期》的《好生活》和《明報》的《星期日生活》刊登,亦參與過<poetic shower>和<Macaroon Duet>等插畫展 。
